Chidon Sefer

Everyone has heard of the revolutionary Chidon program that has taken the world by storm; now, the Yaldei Hashluchim can take part in it too! Your child will unite with children around the world to learn the five Yahadus books, take finals, receive rewards such as prizes, plaques and medals, and hopefully qualify to participate in the MyShliach retreat at the end!
MyShliach also offers online classes; snag a spot at the weekly Chidon Zoom classes to give your child their best chance at success!

Program Details:
- You must register at Mashpia.com.
- 4 Tracks to Choose from (Each inclusive of the previous): Yesod - Sweater & Gifts. Yediah - +Prizes. Havona - +Trip. Iyun - +Competing For Trophies.
- 3 Tests throughout the year, and with a passing average over all 3 tests together you will be eligible for the corresponding rewards
Click here to see everything you need to know Chidon 5785 For MyShliach.
Boys & Girls
Grades: 4th - 8th
Worldwide &
2 Chidon Retreats
Any Time
Start: Elul
End: Nissan